Change pursues late tax problem
November 1, 1990
A proposed property tax amendment to appear on the November election ballot will mainly affect Cook County slumlords, the DeKalb County Treasurer said.
The amendment, which was initiated by Secretary of State Jim Edgar, addresses the problem of delinquent tax sales on commercial, industrial, vacant non-farm and large multi-unit residential properties.
If passed, it will shorten the time a delinquent property owner has to pay up before the property title may be transfered to a new owner.
DeKalb County Treasurer Charlotte Sundly said the amendment would reduce the redemption period from two years to six months on properties that are two or more years delinquent.
This would allow the government to make sure the properties are maintained, Sundly said.
Sundly said the proposal should not impact the DeKalb community. The amendment is not aimed at single-family homes, farm land or apartment buildings with less than six units.