Completed Commons a relief
November 19, 1990
University officials deserve congratulations in their never-ending quest to beautify the campus.
With the King Memorial Commons practically completed, the area looks damn nice. And NIU students should be appreciative of everyone’s efforts on the project.
All too often, the media and public focus on bad aspects of state bureaucracies.
But for as much badmouthing everyone has done about the campus’ layout and design, they should be equally as quick to point out the good things the administration has accomplished.
The Commons’ renovation is one of those good things.
Although there still remains some serious questions about how the project was completed, including the safety precautions and timing of the construction, the end result will only help NIU.
The renovation is a sign that the university wants to move forward, and should serve as an example of what it can accomplish.
The Commons’ is physical proof that NIU needs to examine how and when they take on major construction projects, just as much as it exemplifies the progress it is capable of doing.