College issues remain unresolved
November 8, 1990
Three issues still remain unresolved in the College of Continuing Education and faculty senate members have no good reason to feel especially hopeful, senate member Sherman Stanage said at the Wednesday meeting.
Provost Kendall Baker has yet to make it clear that a College of Continuing Education and its deanship still exist and has not appointed an acting or interim dean of that college, Stanage said.
Senate member Arra Garab said he is “offended by what appears to be a personal vendetta between a faculty senate member and the provost of the university”.
Since the Oct. 24 meeting with the senate’s executive committee, Baker has appointed five faculty members to the task force gathering information on the College of Continuing Education, Senate President J. Carroll Moody said.
The five members that were appointed are James Kennedy—English, Jule Scarborough—technology, Robert Lane—management and information systems, Robert Suchner—sociology and Nancy Vedral—curriculum and instruction.
At the meeting, the American Association of University Professors gave a memorandum to the senate with the AAUP executive committee recommendations concerning shared governance.
The senate referred the memorandum to the senate executive committee to be reassigned to another standing committee for evaluation.
In other business, the senate agreed to take no position on the matter of the Student Association Course Evaluation Project.
The SA plans to evaluate courses and distribute results at add/drop lines and the main desks of residence halls, said SA President Robert McCormack.