Be constructive

In further response to a letter from Mike Rudnicki, (you’re almost famous, huh?) I must express my opinion.

I do so highly respect people who sit on couches “chomping chips” that are quick to judge and make accusations about things they know little about or would actually do anything to change them if they could.

Who’s side are you on pal? If you have ideas, do something constructive with them.

I’m sure you could have reached Victor’s attention and respect by expressing your ideas constructively like a true Huskie fan, but instead you chose to be rude and now you sound like an idiot.

However, true, Victor does represent 25,000 students. Victor is the image of us, the students and when maybe 6,000 of us show up to a game, that leaves 19,000 students who are not there. I think you’re attacking the wrong person Mike.

Now I’m sure you’re still thinking about Victor’s incident at Northwestern with the goalpost.

If you were a true fan, as Coach Pettibone explained in Wednesday’s paper, you would have been at the game and you might have seen more of Victor’s episode than ESPN decided to televise.

You might have seen Victor punch out the Wildcat, torment and carry off screaming Northwestern cheerleaders and bring smiles to the faces of dozens of little kids. Prior to and preceeding the N.W. cheerleaders minor attack.

So don’t get a smart mouth unless you could bust your behind harder than Victor does to entertain a crowd.

Summing it up, saying, shape up or “There will be a new Victor E. in town,” should only be said by someone who could do a more excellent job than Victor is doing now.

So again, until you can do something constructive, sit down, and shut up kid.

Joseph Desplenter

