Departments plan Parents’ Day activities
October 16, 1990
Only four of the seven colleges on campus will make their faculty available for parents and students this Parents’ Day weekend.
The colleges of engineering, professional studies, business and visual and performing arts are planning special events Saturday for parents and students to socialize with faculty members.
The College of Engineering will be holding a Parents’ Day pre-game open house for students and parents from 10 a.m. to noon at the engineering facilities.
The open house will allow parents and students to meet the faculty and ask questions about studies and curriculum.
The Engineering Building, N. Cross Street, Sycamore, will be made available for touring during the open house. In Still Gym, labs 211 and 212, an automotive and plastics technology lab, will also be made available.
The College of Professional Studies is sponsoring a reception for parents and students to meet faculty from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Adams Hall Chandelier Room.
Both upperclassmen and faculty will meet and welcome students with their parents.
“It tends to be underclassmen and their parents who come to the reception, so we will have upperclassmen there to answer any questions they might have,” said Sandy Kuchynka, professional studies academic counselor.
The College of Business will be hosting a parents’ reception at the Light Court in Wirtz Hall from 10:30 a.m. until noon.
This reception is for any major or pre-major student who is interested in the business department. All department facilities will be open for viewing, including the computer lab, said College of Business Dean’s Assistant Caroline Megli.
All business departments will have representatives at the reception, with possible brochures or showing of videotapes about the departments, Megli said. Coffee, punch, and cookies will be served.
The College of Performing Arts is holding a parents’ reception for new freshmen and transfer students and their parents in the newly-opened Altgeld Art Gallery from 10 until 11:30 a.m. The art gallery is located on the second floor in Altgeld Hall.
The reception will feature a short performance by the students from the Gilbert Hall music interest floor. A mime group from the department of theater arts also will perform. Refreshments will be served at the reception.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and The College of Law were both unaware of any parent-faculty conferences or receptions to be held this weekend.
The College of Education Acting Director Laura Frankiewicz said she was “unaware of any parent-faculty conferences to be held this weekend for the college of education”.