Vote for bonds
October 23, 1990
Many of the instructors of Kishwaukee Community College, myself included, did both our undergraduate and graduate studies at NIU.
We, as your alumni, would like to ask for your “YES” vote on Kishwaukee College’s building bond referendum on Nov. 6.
Just as many of our faculty and administrators have looked to NIU to attain their higher education goals, many people of DeKalb, Lee and Ogle counties look to Kishwaukee College for help in fulfilling their educational goals.
Kishwaukee’s 10 million dollar bond referendum represents money needed to complete a plan started 22 years ago, the Kishwaukee College Campus.
Passage of this bond referendum is badly needed to rid the campus of decaying prefabricated wood buildings that are now going on 17 years beyond their expected life.
Additionally, Kishwaukee College has been experiencing an explosion in its student population that will only be satisfied by an expanded physical plant.
Your “YES” vote on Nov. 6 will allow the visions of the past 22 years to become realities of the next two years. Thank you NIU!
Mark Schwendau
Kishawaukee College instructor
B.S. 1976
M.S. 1990