SA sole source of recommendations
October 17, 1990
Although the city and the Student Association have so far avoided the “miscommunications” that plagued last year’s alderman recommendatations, the SA remains the only student group to send Mayor Greg Sparrow a wish list for the 1st Ward Alderman post.
Sparrow is expected to review recommendations from the six city council members, the SA, and individuals today. He will announce his choice at a Friday news conference.
The candidates are these: Amy Polzin, Stephan Hapaniewski, Kevin Johnson, Channing Blair, Todd Bogwill, and Chad Kollross.
The SA recommended four of the six for the seat, vacated by Christine Hoagland in August. The SA recommended Bogwill, Hapaniewski, Kollross and Polzin.
Neither the Interfraternity Council nor the Panhellenic Council formally recommended candidates for the predominantly greek ward.
IFC President Rob Martin said he and the executive board interviewed Hapaniewski but decided not to endorse anyone. “I’ll stay out out of it, I don’t need the controversy,” Martin said.
Panhell President Karen Wilkenson said the issue never came up at an executive board meeting, so no candidates were interviewed or recommended. “My recommendation was for Steve (Hapaniewski) personally,” she said.
Sparrow said all candidates would have to be interviewed for a group recommendation. He did not say how many recommendations were made but said each candidate received at least a few.
Sparrow said he was pleased with the SA’s cooperation and input, and will weigh all recommendations in his final choice.