Cadavers impress nobody
September 10, 1990
Nobody cares about a good-looking corpse.
Case in point: Last week, a woman died from a rare type of anemia after taking some tanning pills.
Was this woman so blanched that people wretched whenever she passed by? Probably not. The more likely scenario is that she wanted to add a little extra color to her skin to get the “bronzed bombshell” effect that attracts so many oohs, ahhs and gaping mouths.
A similar case last year involved a woman who had a wedding to go to. For some reason, she determined that her body needed to be at least three or four shades darker than it was. Her solution was simple. Go to a tanning spa.
However, the first spa she went to told her she could “tan” for only a limited time. This did not sit well with our tan trekker, so she went to another spa. Unfortunately, each spa she went to told her the same thing. Bummer.
But wait, an idea came to her mind. Why not go to each of the spas throughout the day in order to get a dazzling skin tone. So she did, and died.
It turns out, all those rays she was getting were too much for her body to handle. She essentially cooked her insides.
How much does it take for people to realize that they should be happy with what they’ve got? People have got to begin drawing a line between what’s important and what’s not.
The choice: a look to live with or a look to die for.