Stand chosen

I’m glad to see that I’ve struck a nerve center on this campus. I was beginning to think students didn’t care about anything, that they were just content to let life pass by and accept things without careful scrutiny or investigation.

I am glad I got a response out of you Mr. Biswell, please don’t feel like you’ve fallen into any trap.

I feel it necessary at this point to clarify a phrase for which I have been called nasty names and for which many untrue allegations have been wagered against me.

The phrase is “the cultural left,” which I borrowed from Tex Sample’s book U.S. Lifestyles and Mainline Churches. Tex Sample is an advocate of homosexual rights, so I think the phrase is appropriate.

Never once did I use the term “fag,” “liberal,” or any other offensive terms as Mr. Elkins has accused me of. I am above the use of such vulgar language.

I fail to understand why I am continually chided for expressing my opinion. Everyone has that right. I wanted to see some of your opinions, that is why I wrote a controversial letter. But realize this: not all opinions are equal!

Some opinions are based on fact, others on feeling, and still others on a combination of the two. The true test of any opinion then is not feeling (of which there are some 5.5 billion differing views) but facts, or truth, of which there is only one embodiment. I wonder how many of my opponents have checked out the facts?

I believe homosexuality is inherently wrong for the human race, therefore I find myself compelled to call people out of it to what I consider a higher standard of living.

I have as just as much right to this plea as my opponents do who would call me from what they consider an “archaic, bigoted and twisted point of view.”

Being black, white, yellow, or red does not subvert the natural order of the human race, it is a wonderful part of our diversity.

Being male or female does not subvert the natural order of humanity, it is part of it. Being homosexual, however, does subvert the natural order of the human race because it denies one of the primary purposes of sex, i.e. perpetuation of the species.

Homosexuality is wrong, and I for one will take my stand against it. Mr. Stout, I do have a choice in this country of personal freedom and I will exercise it in my expressing opinions.

Scott Stocking

Campus minister

Christian Campus Ministry