PHC constitution revised
September 20, 1990
NIU’s Panhellenic Council will be operating under a revised constitution this year.
Despite some controversy, the PHC constitution was accepted unanimously Wednesday at the group’s second meeting.
“Although no major changes were made, the revisions make the document more consistent with the National Panhellenic Conference guidelines for constitutions,” said PHC Vice President Darcy Dial.
An amendment proposed by Linda Clark, chapter consultant for the new Alpha Omega Pi sorority, cleared up some wording about the number of members needed for a quorum.
The previous wording said two-thirds or three-fourths of the members would have to be present for business to be carried, Dial said.
The amendment, which passed, states that three-fourths of the members must be present.
Also, a member of Alpha Phi sorority suggested that the council discuss electing officers on a rotational system. The rotation would require executive officers to be elected every year from different houses, according to the year the houses were established.
Discussion ended when Dial said it could be brought up later as an amendment, because the constitution up for approval only included those revisions made by last year’s committee.