SA reviews budget

Before the Student Assocation can fund studelt groups, it must complete its own budget process.

The SA dispenses about $750,000 in student fees each fiscal year between 64 SA-funded organizations, said SA Treasurer Michael Holy. NIU’s fiscal year starts July 1 and finishes June 30 of the following calendar year.

NIU President John La Tourette’s Fee Study Committee, which includes five student representatives, reviews all student fees which face final approval by the Board of Regents.

This semester, students taking at least 12 credit hours pay $280.36 in student fees, including a $40.32 fee collected from tuition bills for the SA’s use.

Each SA-funded studdnt organization works with the SA’s Finance Committee to reach a budget which the committee recommends to the senate. When approved, each budget reaches the senate floor, where it can be approved or amended,

After the senate’s OK, the SA’s total budget must be approved by the vice president for student affairs.