Weather grounds Flying Huskies

Low clouds and fog Saturday grounded NIU’s Flying Huskies, although the club already has rescheduled the lost day of free flights over DeKalb.

The club set Saturday, Sept. 15, as a “rain” date, said Flying Huskies President Jim Siminak. But, because so many people turned out for the flights, this weekend’s offerings will be on a reserve basis, he said.

The flyers will offer 20-minute rides at DeKalb-Taylor Municipal Airport, 2300 E. Pleasant St. Flights will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Siminak said the clouds and fog diminished visibility, persuading the club to postpone the flights. However, he said flying conditions had improved enough by late morning to begin but the club never could have taken care of the backlog of people who had signed up for flights.