Hoffman Estates is a win

NIU did the right thing in going to Hoffman Estates.

Students are right when they complain that problems in DeKalb should be taken care of before venturing out in other distant lands. It’s always a good idea to take care of the home first.

owever, the cruel fact of higher education funding is NIU’s money package from the state will remain relatively the same with or without Hoffman Estates. So taking the step forward to help those outside the DeKalb area with their educational pursuits should be considered from the DeKalb campus.

Think of it this way. If a major Illinois college were to close tomorrow for whatever the reason, would the money given to it by the state by redistributed in whole to the other universities, or would the legislature find another way to spend that money?

Obviously, the answer is the latter. That’s why NIU is doing the right thing in the suburbs. NIU’s funding will not change enough to make the Hoffman move a bad investment.

The heat the administration took on the deal for being secretive about the project is deserved. NIU should have cut its losses when someone from the village or Sears tipped their hands to the deal. By keeping its mouth shut, NIU opened itself up for some big-time abuse.

But in the same vein, it’s sad to think NIU has to work like this to make sure Illinois’ favorite son – the U of I – doesn’t stick its hand in the cookie jar.

The Hoffman deal will help DeKalb students by improving the visibility of NIU’s graduates and improving outside funding to offset the low appropriations.

NIU can win in Hoffman.