Students at loss on council
May 1, 1990
The University Council needs to consider all the options before granting the Student Association the ability to appoint all 14 student council seats.
Huda Scheidelman is making a proposal to the council today to allow the SA to appoint all 14 of the vacant student council seats because not enough students were appointed to the council.
The deadline for choosing the students to be on the council was April 15. Guess how many students the student advisory committees chose? None. Never fear, one student representative from a college was chosen, by a dean. (Is this constitutional?)
According to UC bylaws, the SA picks seven of the appointees and Student Advisory Committees from each college pick one appointee. (Nope.) This year, there was one vacant student seat on the council from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
The SA’s proposal has good intentions but the problem should be addressed and not passed on to another organization. Why aren’t the Student Advisory Committees appointing students to the council? What else aren’t they doing? What else do they do? Are they needed at all?
These questions should be addressed before allowing the SA to appoint all 14 students seats. If the SA does get to appoint the positions, will colleges be equally represented or will some get lost in the shuffle? Would a student government that still has problems getting a majority of senators at meetings be better able to appoint the positions?
There are too many unanswered questions to consider before using another body as a crutch.