Alter methods
April 24, 1990
To all students, especially those graduating soon, this is an important time of the semester. A time to reflect on where we, collectively and individually, are going and have been. And from my standpoint, where we’ve been is riddled with idiocy on this campus.
In this semester, we’ve seen the Holmes Student Center, once a fine, rectangular building, become a metal-encased phallic symbol (it’s the copper-topped student center. No other regular campus building looks like it…or lasts like it), the ROTC and the GLU have been at each other, and the wonderfully entertaining campus radical show gave us thrills and chills galore.
I’m speaking, of course, of the FREEDOMFORMARXISTFEMINISTHUMANISTFORUMTHOUGHTNOWFRONT. These yahoos have rearranged what little sensibilities remained on this campus.
I will not go into the fiasco at the Ecumenical service. I will not dwell on the timely arrests of certain members of this one-bodied, many-headed left-wing beast. Rather, I attack their methods.
Ever since I’ve been on this campus, I’ve seen these people do nothing but foul the air with protest, protest, protest. Apparently, they never got past lesson one in civil disobedience. I’m sorry, they never got TO lesson one, since these people are anything but civil.
They have not learned that there is more than one way to affect change in the system. Protest is not the answer, but a possible means to an end. And if that means does not work, a new means must be sought. I guess that’s too much to ask.
In my opinion, all of the protesting becomes a blur. I can’t separate one cause from the next. If they protested once or twice a semester, used petitions once or twice a semester, organized good rallies once or twice a semester, each one of these individual things would mean more.
But being subjected to a new protest of the week by the FREEDOMFROMARXISTFEMINISTHUMANISTFORUMTHOUGHTNOWFRONT gets to be a pointless exercise. I no longer care about their protests. And that is sad, because many of their causes are valid.
That truly is sad. These people do more harm than good, because those of us who could care about many issues are turned off by seeing the same thing over and over again. They are coming off less and less like a serious group promoting change and more and more like a top-40 music station pumping out the same drivel day after day.
Steve Honeywell