Many arrests deserve praise

Congratulations to the North Central Narcotics Task Force on making its 400th drug-related arrest last week.

The force is made up of different officers from area departments. Locally, members of the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Police, the DeKalb City Police, the NIU Police, the Sycamore Police and the Genoa Police serve on the task force.

The arrest is an obvious milestone. More importantly, the arrest shows the dedication that area law agencies have to stop drug use.

Of course eliminating drug use is a pretty hefty goal. A goal that arguably might never be accomplished. But the force’s 400th arrest surely will put a dent in area drug trafficking and usage.

The accomplishment is all the more noteworthy when factoring in all of the little intangibles. Like the endless possibilities for violence.

DeKalb County isn’t the Bronx, but dangers are still present when arresting someone for drugs. You never know what shape someone is in and what they might do.

An example of some of the force’s success in DeKalb: 72 people arrested since the force’s inception 20 months ago. Cash and cars worth $70,000 impounded. About 3,100 grams of cocaine and 461,000 grams of marijuana confiscated.

So congratulations to the force. Hopefully they can keep up the good work and continue to dent the area drug problem. Every arrest made is a battle won for the future of our children.