Lacrosse downs Lincoln Park

Last Saturday’s ideal weather reflected the play of the NIU lacrosse club and its 12-8 victory over the men’s lacrosse club of Lincoln Park.

Tied five to five at the half, the Huskies managed to slowly build a lead of three goals by the end of the penalty-riddled third quarter. The NIU man-up pumped in two goals while the NIU man-down managed to kill three such penalties and clear the ball downfield. The Huskies have only allowed five man-down goals in nine games played.

Lincoln park made a run at the Huskies mid-way through the fourth quarter when it scored twice to pull within a goal. Two fast break goals by Jim Marvin, assisted by Bill Pulaski and Phil Tan, secured the game for NIU.

Goals by Sean Rafferty and Jim Corbett sealed the victory.

The club will travel to Macomb, Ill. over the weekend to participate in the WIU Spring Lacrosse Invitational. NIU lost to WIU in last year’s championship game.

“We should be able to do really well this year,” said Ed Falkenhayn, NIU lacrosse club president. “Last year’s loss was so disappointing that we want to crush anybody that we come up against. The test will be to maintain composure and not lose our heads.”