We’re for Fallon

As Student Association Senators, we have been fortunate to follow the leadership of SA Senate Speaker John Fallon as he has consistently and aggressively supported reforms to benefit the entire NIU student body.

In addition to his important position as Senate Speaker, John has actively participated in the Student Committee on Financial Aid, the Student Political Action and Education Committee, the Tenant Union/Restructuring Committee, the Mass Transit Boards, the Redistricting Committee, the President’s Fee Study Committee, the Health Center Fee Study Committee, and the Internal Affairs Committee.

John has not only proven himself as an able and effective student leader, but he has also earned the trust, respect, and friendship of all who truly know him.

He is understanding, experienced, and effective. John Fallon is the best-qualified candidate for the so very important position of SA President. We support him wholeheartedly.

Phill Buoscio

Jody Jancaric

Jim Mertes

John Nisivaco

Kathleen Rosenberg

Amanda Rutter

Chris Saviano

Jeff Stark

Rachel Vellenga

Steve Zarch

SA Senators