Keep help close to home
April 18, 1990
If NIU wants to clean up the asbestos in the University Health Center before it becomes a bigger problem, that’s great. But considering a temporary location anywhere but on campus is ludicrous.
Regular air samples indicate airborne asbestos levels in the health center are below the danger point set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. However, the material must be removed before it deteriorates and prevents needed maintenance.
The Student Health Advisory Council said the center’s 100 faculty and staff will locate in the student center or the DeKalb Clinic on Franklin Avenue by the end of May.
Question: What good is any university health service if it’s not on the university’s campus?
The whole point of the health service is to provide convenient, easily accessible medical service to the NIU community.
One of the council’s goals during the move is to keep all of the services together—no matter its location.
Keeping the services together should be as important as keeping them on campus.
The services will do little good if they are moved off campus. The service is there to help students for immediate aid in minor medical situations. Bad cuts, sprained ankles, testing, medicine, etc.
NIU should throw away the idea of moving the services off campus. It should focus its attention on keeping the health center here—where it belongs.