Questions insult
April 8, 1990
It has recently come to my attention that a GLU sponsored questionnaire has been posted around the NIU campus. Titled “Heterosexual Questionnaire” and written by Martin Rochlin, this literary venture attempts to justify the GLU’s position on campus by criticizing heterosexuality.
Such is evident in the fourth question, which asks “Is it possible that your heterosexuality stems from a neurotic fear of others in the same sex?” In the end, Mr. Rochlin proves nothing but his ability to twist facts and key phrases to his advantage.
A substantial part of his argument consists of comments and questions that refer to the heterosexual community as the root of many major problems in society.
One such question states “If heterosexuality is normal, why are a disproportionate number of mental patients heterosexual?” Another related comment informs us that most criminals and welfare recipients are heterosexual.
Unfortunately what Mr. Rochlin fails to realize is that this is true ONLY because the majority of people in society are heterosexual. It is easy to see that it is impossible for the criminals and mental patients in a minority group to outnumber those in the majority.
Another portion of his argument hinges on HIS assumption that normal reproduction is not advantageous to society. In question 19 he asks “How could the human race survive if everyone were heteroseual like you, considering the menace of overpopulation?”
The main flaw in that argument is the fact that there would be absolutely no reproduction in a totally homosexual society and human beings would soon become extinct.
Although I’ve addressed only a few of his 25 questions, the others were equally as insulting to me, and most likely insulting to a great number of other people too. It is questions like these that make me wonder if Mr. Rochlin is helping the GLU’s cause or if he is just making matters worse.
Name calling is a sure sign of insecurity. If Mr. Rochlin and those he represents were comfortable with their current sexual orientation, they would not need to attempt to justify themselves in this manner.
Adam Drendel
Pre-Computer Science