CAB trip planned in spite of past

By Dana Netzel

NIU’s Campus Activities Board is sponsoring a spring break trip to South Padre, Texas, despite a loss of tourists’ money and a long bus ride last year.

CAB members last year almost requested legal assistance because damage deposits were not returned to tourists, said Mark Shafer, University Programming and Activities graduate assistant.

The travel company claimed the tourists owed money, but no damage was done, Shafer said. A law suit was never filed, but CAB “will never use that company again,” he said.

Some tourists received half of their deposits back, but only about six of the 90 tourists collected the full amount, Shafer said.

CAB is using Travel Associates for this spring’s South Padre trip, a company they have worked with for three years.

Refunds were not the only problem with last year’s trip. “South Padre was excellent, but the ride down stunk,” said Tina Hack, who went on CAB’s South Padre trip last year. Hack said it took over two days to get to South Padre.

CAB Travel Coordinator Grace Tenuta said a trip to South Padre takes about 24 to 28 hours. But Hack said last spring the bus left at 6 p.m. Friday and did not get to South Padre until 5 a.m. Sunday, because the bus driver kept getting lost.

This year the trip from March 9 to March 18 costs $329 for transportation and a room in either a hotel or condominium. Tenuta said a $150 down payment is needed.

Tickets are on sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the CAB office and “space is going fast,” she said.

Hack said South Padre was beautiful and the resort was on the beach. “If I had the money I’d do it again” but would find other transportation, she said.