Student groups offer help with income tax forms
February 5, 1990
Students needing assistance filling out income tax forms can receive free help from two NIU student accounting organizations.
The NIU Student Accounting Society and Beta Alpha Psi, the national accounting fraternity, are co-sponsoring the free service for students, said Chris Dodson, Beta Alpha Psi president.
The accounting fraternity will offer help from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. through Friday in the Holmes Student Center between the Pow Wow and Blackhawk cafeterias.
Dodson said students need to bring their W-2 tax forms for assistance on 1040 EZ and 1040-A forms. Students also must bring their current student identification cards. The whole process should only take about 30 minutes, he said.
“I would like to encourage any student that either has questions about tax forms or would like us to fill out for them, to stop by at our service desk,” Dodson said.
About 50 members of Beta Alpha Psi attended a Jan. 27 seminar held by two IRS agents from Rockford, said Beta Alpha Psi Treasurer Vicki Cremeens. At least two people are helping each student with their taxes, she said.
If the service has a positive response, the program will extend its services for another week, Dodson said. Tax forms are due by April 15, he said.
“It’s a good opportunity for kids to come with questions,” Cremeens said, “I think it’s a great program.”
Cremeens said about 30 people have had questions answered and eight forms were filled out during the first three days.