NIU looks to bring the record home

By Steve Dennis

Students make the difference.

That has been the cry during the entire football season. And now the promotion and sales office, as well as the athletic department, is looking to the students to fill Chick Evans Field House Thursday night when the Huskies play DePaul University.

The game is being pitted as the most crucial of the season if the Huskies want to dominate the North Star Conference and get an NCAA berth.

“We feel like we have to win every game,” NIU coach Jane Albright said. “I think DePaul feels the same way.”

Another significant point to the game is that the last time the two teams met at Alumni Hall in Chicago, 4,294 fans marked the largest crowd to witness a women’s basketball game in Illinois history. NIU wants the record to be broken in DeKalb.

“Bring the record home,” has been the message since the last meeting between the NSC rivals. Not only would Albright like to break the record, but she wants the Field House sold out.

“I’m not talking about 5,000,” Albright said, “I’m talking about 6,068.”

So is the sales department.

As of yesterday, ticket office sales are extremely high.

“Ticket sales are over 2,100,” John Penny, director of sales said. “Which is amazing for a basketball game. But in order to pass 4,294 we are going to have to have a good turnout from the students as well.”

The advertising department has been working with the residence halls, the Greek community and the entire DeKalb area to break the record. Yesterday in the Stevenson North Residence Hall, a flyer concerning the game was put in everyone’s mail box noting the game. In Sunday’s DeKalb Chronicle there was a half page ad promting people to attend the contest.

“The most substantial help has been a group of volunteers,” said Penny. “People are purchasing blocks of tickets and selling them on their own. We are working to get tickets into the hands of people that do not ordinarily come to games.”

Albright has also been busy. She has been phoning local groups and encouraging participation. The sixth-year coach has also been hooking up with radio stations.

“She has actually done a couple of interviews while on the road,” Penny said.

The whole promo got kicked off at the Feb. 3 game when Albright adressed the fans after the game and asked them to come out on Feb. 15 to see the DePaul game.

Last year in DeKalb, NIU handed the Blue Demons a loss. That was the first time the Huskies had beaten DePaul in the series.