Insurance to cover testing
January 18, 1990
A new Illinois law making insurance companies cover the cost of mammograms, a procedure detecting breast cancer, for women over age 35 will aid in catching the disease early.
Eileen Coppens, a Country Companies insurance agent in Sandwich, said pressure from customers initiated the coverage. Covering mammography costs is an excellent idea, and it can save money by preventing future insurance claims, she said.
“Since breast cancer is such a major, common occurrence for women, this coverage is a good idea,” said Lois Self, director of the NIU Women’s Studies Program.
Once the coverage becomes common knowledge to people, it should increase the number of women receiving mammogram tests, Self said.
University Health Service Director Rosemary Lane said only a small number of students need to take the mammogram test, which is only recommended for women over 40 years old.
Lane said if a student needs a mammogram, the Health Center refers them to Kishwaukee Community Hospital or the DeKalb Clinic.
Bob Paulson, an insurance agent from the Rex Agency in Sandwich, said the coverage is to encourage testing. Paulson said insurance companies also benefit because “if insurance companies cover more preventive medical services, in the long run, it will save money for the company.”
Paulson said he is uncertain if this development will increase insurance rates. Both Paulson and Coppens said the law hopefully will be successful in the long run, but as of now, neither have had any customers take advantage of this service.