Library space priority for NIU
January 29, 1990
The NIU library director voiced concerns about sky-rocketing costs of library materials and severe space shortages at a Board of Regents meeting Wednesday.
Librarians spoke to members of the BOR Academic and Student Affairs Committee in response to board member concerns with maintaining high standards despite lack of state funding.
The board governs NIU, Illinois State University in Normal and Sangamon State University in Springfield.
NIU Provost Kendall Baker said Illinois is considered a “model” state by national standards for its university libraries, but added both new technology and expansion are needed to prevent the system from deteriorating.
NIU Director of Libraries Steve Marquardt said one problem facing libraries is the rising cost of books and periodicals.
Inflation and shrinking budgets are forcing university libraries to decrease their collections, Marquardt said.
He said he hopes to combat escalating costs of printed material through electronic methods of publication.
The process will be slow because the initial costs of starting electronic publishing is expensive, Marquardt said.
Space shortages were reported at all three universities, and although expanding Founders Memorial Library is high on the NIU project list, it was not included in this year’s Illinois Board of Higher Education budget.
“An addition to Founder’s will ultimately come, but we can’t give any dates,” Baker said.
He said other recommendations to help combat space shortages are more compact shelving and storing collections not frequently used in other university buildings.