Mascot insulting

I find it unfortunate and sad that the same people—white, male, Christian—that have inflicted upon Native Americans disease, lies, broken treaties, concentration camps, genocide and even the name “Indians,” are now debating what should and should not be considered offensive by Native Americans.

Admittedly, a brainless, white cheerleader dressing up native-style and prancing around like an idiot at football games is the least of “your” crimes against Natives. But this does not make the issue “laughable” or “regrettable” as the Star claimed (Nov. 9).

There is something inherently wrong with predominantly white institutions determining what is “stately and honorable” for a people they are wholly ignorant about. Where does the Star get off condemning Senator Simon for his personal view on this issue?

Why don’t white, male Christians take names or mascots from their own proud history? How about the Washington Anti-semites? Or the Atlanta Slave Traders? Why not the Cleveland Klansmen? The fans all could wear white sheets to the games! More pertinently, the U of I Indian Killers! The fact is, Native Americans would rather have the land than have it named for them. They would rather have access to the universities than have mascots in their honor.

Native Americans have a sad history and very possibly a sad future, almost as sad as the opinions expressed by the Star.

Bill Gannon

NIU alumnus, 1989