Law clarification
November 2, 1989
The front page article on Oct. 23 regarding enforcement of the state’s immunization law, “Students late to complete records,” might be misleading. Students who read this article might delay in submitting their immunization records to the University Health Services, which will jeopardize their ability to mail register for spring semester.
In order to have an immunization encumbrance removed from a student’s record, the student must submit complete immunization records to the health service. A temporary medical exemption (also referred to as an extension or deferment) might only be considered after a student’s immunization records have been submitted to, and reviewed by the health service. Students whose immunization records are determined to be incomplete must complete any deficiencies, or may formally submit a request for temporary medical exemption under the following circumstances only:
1. If additional vaccinations are required but the necessary vaccines are not available at the health service or elsewhere.
2. If additional vaccinations are needed but vaccination is medically not advisable at this time.
To state it simply, encumbered students cannot satisfy the state’s immunization requirements by simply telephoning the health service.
Linda Jennings
acting supervisor
Health Records Unit
University Health Services