Sheriff Scott declares bid for reelection
October 24, 1989
DeKalb County Sheriff Roger Scott has announced his bid for reelection in 1990 for the four-year position.
“I really like the job,” said Scott. “I’d like the opportunity to keep going (as sheriff).”
Scott has held the position for the last five years. He has worked for the county sheriff’s office for the past 21 years.
The job has not always been a pleasant one. Scott said the worst experience he has had as county sheriff was in June 1985 when a seven-year-old girl was kidnapped and murdered.
He said his years of experience on patrol has allowed him to “really understand the officers, things that they go through, and the needs of the citizens (of DeKalb County).”
The county’s top law enforcement official listed his accomplishments as establishing “good relations with the county board as well as with other officers, being instrumental in starting the drug task force that began in December 1988,” changing the type of gas used in the squad cars to ethanol gas which does not affect the environment as adversely as others, and expanding bidding possibilities to both state and local suppliers, which has saved money on purchases that cost more than $1,000.
The county sheriff’s department currently is purchasing 13 squad cars, which through state bidding has saved the department $23,000.
In spring 1990, deputies will be deployed with squad cars which Scott says will save money on maintenance and purchasing of squad cars. Scott predicts that this technique will save the department more than $50,000 in 10 years. Squad cars are currently operated 24 hours each day.
This change, Scott said, will not only save money, but will also give a “higher visibility of squad cars throughout the county,” and allow for quicker response times for emergencies.
A countywide drug task force established in December 1988, which the county sheriff department is a part of, is another accomplishment, Scott said.
Scott also required department administrators to “pick up the slack” by requiring them to carry smaller caseloads in addition to their administrative duties.
If reelected, Scott said he would “stay aware of the changing needs of law enforcement in DeKalb County.” He added that “to make promises about something spectacular is wrong.”
As of press time Tuesday, there were no other announced candidates for the position. The deadline for filing a petition for the position is Dec. 18.