Student voice not heard

The Student Association’s purpose is to represent all students at NIU. But, their recent actions in recommending Nick Valadez to fill the position of 7th Ward alderman with only a six person vote does not support this charge.

The SA said they chose the six senators to recommend a candidate for the aldermanic position because the senators represent the 7th Ward. However, since the person chosen to take the position will mainly represent students’ concerns, the SA should have been more responsible and requested all senators to vote for such a recommendation.

It has already been noted by people outside the SA, including DeKalb Mayor Greg Sparrow, that the SA does not seem to represent the majority of NIU students because of their lack of student support. One way to help dispel this theory would be to include as many students as possible in making the aldermanic recommendation.

Although it seems logical to have the 7th District senators make the choice, six people are just not enough to represent the student body to the city of DeKalb.

Hopefully this recommendation by six students will be accepted by the City Council as just that, a recommendation by six students. If the SA wants to re-establish itself as the student voice, it should use every opportunity to accomplish such a task. Asking all of the senators who they felt should hold such a high representational position as alderman, could only have benefitted them and the rest of the student body.