Score one for the Regents

The Board of Regents skipped home last Friday, and the tune they were singing was probably a happy one.

After months of heated debate over proposed Regents’ policy changes, in which representatives from NIU and Illinois State University at Normal spent hours of time and effort, it appears the Regents have gotten what they wanted.

After listening to members of the Joint University Advisory Committee and the Student Association say they “do not oppose or support the changes,” one might not think that the result of all this confrontation is so bad. But it is bad news. Let’s face it, the Regents wanted changes and they got them.

Regardless of what was said after Friday’s meeting, this adventure into Regent land proved fruitless. This seemingly futile effort to convince the Regents that we need more equitable representation fell far short. It is all an indication that the Regents are indeed pulling the strings and controlling the Regency universities.

We all should learn a lesson from what has happened over the last six months. We should realize that the only way we can get what we feel is fair representation, is to separate ourselves from the Regents. After what has transpired, maybe we are in a better position to negotiate for such a split.

Then again, that dream might be as attainable as Dorothy’s wish to go back to Kansas. Hey! Do they have Regents in Kansas?