Laws and ideals
October 31, 1989
I am writing in regard to a previous letter to the editor. First of all, my stepmother is black. She and her family are well-educated and definitely a true part of what I consider my family. I say this for I must take issue with a letter by a Ms. Tracy Deis that struck me as kneejerk reactionary in tone. I will not condone the supposed actions of five attacking one, but if I follow Ms. Deis, we might as well simply incarcerate them without trial or facts. Perhaps we should simply shoot them right now.
Racism is indeed an insidious element of our society that needs eradication. People need to be educated about the issue and it definitely is serious. Yet, our society does have certain laws and ideals. One is a right to a trial. A belief in a system of justice and equality that, is not always followed in reality. Ms. Deis’ anger is justified, yet appears to deny certain elements of law and rights to others. “Any means,” sounds like a white supremist statement. I wonder if Martin Luther King would agree?
Matthew Sorenson
Graduate student
Human/family resources