Smith unable to play

Until Bobby Smith’s name is cleared, the sophomore guard “is separated” from the NIU men’s basketball team, coach Jim Molinari said Tuesday.

Smith, who was one of two NIU students arrested in connection with an Oct. 17 drug-related robbery, has yet to step on the basketball court for NIU since his transfer from Oral Roberts University last year. Smith was already academically ineligible to play for the team during the fall semester.

“The stance for me personally,” said Molinari, “is that Bobby is separated right now from the team. Bobby was really doing well academically, too. And I care for Bobby. But that’s our stance. He’s separated from now until—well, the only time we’ll make the next decision is after (Smith’s court date).”

Smith was one of two students who allegedly broke into the room of David Bergendorf, 183 Douglas Hall, and fled with cannabis after threatening the room’s occupants.

“My law background says that you’re innocent until proven guilty,” Molinari added. “So what I’ve really encouraged Bobby to do is take care of those things he can control right now.

“One, he’s in school still, so (I’ve told him to) go to class and keep up his grades—do a good job in school. From his standpoint he probably shouldn’t be commenting a lot on it now. Second, be honest. Tell the truth.”

Molinari, who was hired in May, said he will not get involved in the matter beyond the advice he has given Smith.

He said, “That’s out of my control. I’ve learned the greatest anxiety is caused when you try to control something that’s out of your control.”