Support Chicago
October 31, 1989
The Bears, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox, Blackhawks, Power and Brusiers. What do all of these names have in common? Well, they are all Chicago sports teams. I feel that people who live in and around Chicago area should support and cheer for these teams. People in the whole state of Illinois should support some, if not all of these sports franchises. What I can’t understand, or even comprehend, for that matter, is that someone who grew up and was raised in Illinois does not like any of the sports teams. I discovered such a person next door to my dorm room.
This kid hates all Chicago sports teams. I just cannnot understand why. He was born and raised in Illinois, but he loathes all the teams. He doesn’t even like certain players on the teams such as Michael Jordan of the Bulls and Neal Anderson of the Bears. This kid is truly anti-Chicago and I can’t stand it. I could understand if he moved here from a different city or was born in a different state that he might dislike Chicago teams, but he grew up here. Even his parents like Chicago sports. So, their support obviously had no effect on him.
I feel that if you live in Chicago or surrounding areas and grew up here you should support, watch, cheer and even attend sports events of Chicago’s sports teams—even just one of the teams and I would be satisfied. Even just one of the players and I would be satisfied. The games are exciting to watch, especially during playoff season. The Bears with Anderson, the Cubs with Sandberg, and especially the Bulls with “Air” Jordan. Now you cannot tell me that you would not enjoy a Bulls game with Michael Jordan and his dazzling moves and dunks. That is the ultimate in excitement. Once again, support and cheer for your professional sports teams, they are the best the city has to offer.
Brian Kancius