Rally shows good examples
September 26, 1989
Last week, a rally was held in the Martin Luther King Memorial Commons. The rally’s focus was the abortion issue, and although it was planned by the “pro-choicers” at NIU, the format allowed for any concerned person to voice his opinion on a very sensitive issue.
Leaving the heated abortion debate aside, those involved in the rally should be commended for what appears to be a very successful exercise in freedom of speech and expression.
The college campus atmosphere should be one of openness, allowing for the free exchange of ideas. Too often in the past, people have not voiced their opinions when student expression was greatly needed. And too often, students who had the guts to stand up for what they believed in were ignored and even ridiculed.
Apathy is something that exists throughout our community, and programs like the rally in the commons are a step toward increased student awareness. It was very refreshing to see students from all walks of life and people of all ages getting involved in an issue that will be with us for a long time to come.
So if anyone out there is still thinking that their message will go unheard, take a gander at the abortion rally. It was successful because people were organized and shared ideas. Hopefully, it can set the stage for increased student awareness about more global concerns.