Smile: it’s not that tough

There are all types of people on this campus. A student can go to Swen Parson Hall, wait in line at the bursar’s office and encounter some smiling faces. On the other hand, the same student can leave that line, walk down the hall to the financial aid office and wait 30 minutes only to get grumbled at by an unhappy employee.

Students are nervous about filling out the right forms to receive the financial aid they need to attend college. True some students probably aren’t as educated on the subject as the could be, but that is why NIU has an office students can go to for help.

It is very discouraging for any student to have to wait for help with their financial aid problems only to be met by an unfriendly face, frustrated sighs and rolling eyeballs.

Students aren’t waiting in financial aid office lines because they just want to hassle the person behind the counter—they are there because they need help.

Anyone could get frustrated with their job having to deal with the public on a daily basis, especially with the long NIU lines, but that is no excuse for a poor attitude toward students. Lines are not a new problem at NIU, so if that is what is disturbing some of the financial aid office workers, maybe the department should look into expanding its service at busy times of the semester. But please, don’t take it out on students.