Destroying things is such a fun time

By Kelli Christiansen

Well. Wasn’t Sunday a beautiful day? I woke up and, surprise, surprise it was sunny! What a great day this is going to be, I thought to myself. This is so great!

So, to celebrate the glory of the day, a friend and I decided to go out for breakfast. We were both excited. Things were looking good. Our stomachs were ready for some yummy food. Both of us were pretty happy.

And then we went outside. Down the sidewalk. A few steps to my car, which by the way is a little outlandish. I started walking slowly. I was in awe. My stomach hollowed. My heart stopped. My blood pressure soared. Some…some…sort of person had so graciously, oh-so-thoughtfully BENT MY ANTENNA IN HALF.

Pretty funny, huh? Oh, yeah. It’s a real riot. Hilarious. A scream. In fact, it was so funny I could hardly control myself.

Yeah. It’s funny. But only when it happens to someone else. A veritable onslaught of amusement. Hahahahahahaha!

Trying to control my rush of laughter, since this was such a funny prank to play on someone, I calmly tried to fix the antenna. I couldn’t. I wasn’t quite strong enough. Luckily, my friend, who also was incredibly, oh, just dying from amusement, was indeed strong enough to bend it back so that now it looks like a sine curve instead of being at a 90 degree angle. At least now my radio works. Hahahahahaha. I’m really laughing now. Hahaha. Boy, is this funny.

Now, I’ll admit it. I complain about the car I drive. In fact, I complain about it a lot and do so loudly. For those of you who don’t know it, I drive the pink bug that scurries through campus on occasion. Yes, it’s mine. I share it with my sister. Someone was kind enough to get it for us. And yes, I still complain. I get sick and tired of the stares that people give me while I’m driving. Of the rude comments. But it’s still my car. And just because I complain about it doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it. And it doesn’t lessen my anger that some incredibly funny person would take the time to bend my antenna in half.

So I ask myself “Why would someone do this? Why would someone actually take the time to purposefully damage someone else’s belongings? What is the point?”


“Oh… I understand. I see. It’s fun to ruin things that don’t belong to you. And I guess that this goofy pink bug was just asking for it, wasn’t it? Yeah. Probably. I get it now. Clearly, I can see the pure humor of this obviously comical situation. How could I have been so blind?”

But I still have a question. And although I want to direct it toward the outrageously funny person who pulled this equally funny prank, I ask it to all jokesters who have done such deeds. And it is this: WHY?

Why do you torment victims with such foolish acts? Why do you subject innocent people to this stupidity? Do you really gain some sense of satisfaction by vandalizing things that don’t belong to you? Are you as mean and stupid as I think you are?

I must add that I almost didn’t write about this for today because I figure that the ego of the person who did this to me, and I do take it personally, would most likely enjoy the attention. But I don’t care. I would just like to understand the why’s of situations like this as I’m sure many other victims would, too. So tell me, please, what made you do this? And I hope you’re happy with yourself.