Way too big for his britches
September 28, 1989
It seems Dan Rostenkowski, the powerful chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has let his position and his hunger for power go straight to his head.
ostenkowski, a democratic representative from Illinois, is again at the center of another political hot potatoe. This time, it is the first child-care initiative since World War II. Last time, it was his mute stance on catastrophic health care.
A few months ago, Big Dan was politically and personally embarrassed when he was cornered by some of the senior citizens in Chicago to answer questions about his controversial, catastrophic health care bill.
Now, Rostenkowski is playing political musical chairs with others on Capitol Hill after his antics have caused a multi-billion dollar child health care bill to hit a dead end.
He is demanding that his office be given legislative control over the program—little wonder when one considers the political benefits for whoever is in charge of a program with increasing national importance.
However, the House Education and Labor Committee, which usually handles any legislation concerning child care, says it should be in control of the project.
Critics of Rostenkowski are saying the chairman is a late-comer to the issue of child care. In light of his past record, being late seems all right. When one yearns for more power, being late is better than never being there at all.