Issues pages: Our purpose

The goal of an editorial page is best described by Eugene Patterson, once an editor of the Atlanta Constitution. “The true and lasting value lies in getting people to think for themselves, to talk and to argue, and finally to decide whatever they want to decide.” The Northern Star’s Issues pages are dedicated to this purpose.

Editorials on campus and national issues represent the opinion of the Star Editorial Board and not necessarily the opinions of NIU administrators, faculty, staff or students.

Daily opinion columns by Star staff members and syndicated columns writer offer a variety of angles on local and national issues. The Issues pages feature guest columns by members of the NIU and DeKalb communities. The work of Star cartoonists complements our opinion columns and editorials.

The Star’s Issues pages are designed to include your opinions and ideas. While it is the Editorial Board’s policy to publish all printable letters, space can limit the number that appear in the paper.

Once submitted, letters become the property of the Star. The Star reserves the right to reject or substantially edit any letter that is libelous or otherwise unprintable. The Star follows these guidelines for the author’s protection as well as ours.