Sports info. director claims writing award

NIU sports information director Mike Korcek received a “Best in the District” citation in the 1988-89 national writing contest sponsored by the College Sports Information Directors of America.

Korcek won the CoSIDA District Five honors in the Historical Feature category for his story on the 1933-34 men’s basketball team.

That Huskie cage unit posted a 16-2 won-lost record, captured the Little 19 Conference title, and gained national recognition by competing in the post-season exhibitions against Pitt and Kansas at the National Basketball Coaches Association meetings.

Coach “Chick” Evans and his squad journeyed to Atlanta and performed against the legendary “Phog” Allen’s Jayhawks, plus “Doc” Carlson and his rotating Pittsburgh offense in scrimmages to illustrate varying styles of play and proposed rule changes.

The 1933-34 Huskies eventually became the first team inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame in 1984. Five members of the quintet—Elzie Cooper, Jack Mustapha, Reino Nori, Leonard Skoglund and Benny Westlake—later won induction into the Hall of Fame as individuals.

Korcek’s story appeared in the 1988-89 NIU men’s basketball media guide and the Huskie Illustrated game program. The CoSIDA contests are open to the organization’s approximately 1,500 members. The award was presented at the annual CoSIDA workshop two weeks ago.

The citation was Korcek’s seventh in the past three years. Last April, he was one of four recipients of NIU’s annual Outstanding Service Awards for university civil service personnel.