Reconsider firing
April 30, 1989
Dear Mr. LaTourette:
I read with great dismay of the decision by the NIU athletic director and you not to renew the contract of basketball Coach Jim Rosborough.
It is true that some schools do make amazing turnarounds from losing records in a two or three year time span. When they do, one of three things have probably happened:
1) A few well-traveled, renegade, junior college transfer players are brought in who major in basketball and have little or no allegiance to the coach or the school.
2) Scholastic rules are bent by the coach and/or members of the athletic staff, or
3) A woefully weak schedule has been arranged in advance by a coach who has made a sudden departure.
From my association with Jim, I know that he would never consider these “back roads” to a winning program. I hope that this is not your intention by your recent action.
In Jim Rosborough, you have had for three years an excellent role model and a coach who could build a clean, winning program from the ground up.
As president of the university, you would do well to reconsider your recent decision.
obert L. Moore