Agrees with firing

Dear President LaTourette:

I called your office last week to express my support to you and Gerald O’Dell relative to the termination of the basketball coach and indicated to the receptionist that I would follow up with a letter.

As a 1969 graduate, I am very proud of the academic accomplishments of the university over the years. This is obviously the main purpose of higher education.

However, college athletics are an important part of the college experience and unfortunately, until recently, Northern not only produced poor records but, in my view, a very short-sighted, DeKalb-based program. I have been very pleased with the sense of direction and vision which you and Gerald O’Dell have brought to the athletic program.

I am not bothered by the differing opinions relative to the termination of a coach. People are entitled to their opinions, and such controversy is not unusual at NIU or any other campus. However, I am very upset that apparently the “Athletic Board” and the local media are questioning the right of the athletic director (and president) to make such decisions.

NIU has alumni all over Illinois, and the United States for that matter. The alumni representation in Chicago is particularly significant. We are asked to support the university with enthusiasm and money. I do provide such support and we need more of it from all alumni.

Until now, I must admit that I have not given the “Athletic Board” much thought. However, I find it incomprehensible that this “Board,” which apparently consists primarily of faculty, students and local people, would believe that it represents the alumni throughout the United States in not only lobbying but attempting to leverage the decisions of the athletic director.

I have not given them my vote. Clearly, the ultimate “vote” in these matters is the decision of the president relative to his subordinate, the athletic director, in meeting the president’s goals and objectives. The alumni and the students “vote” regularly with their attendance and their alumni and their money. I’m sure the “Athletic Bond” serves a legitimate role as a sounding board for the athletic program.

I’m also very sure that the alumni in Chicago I have talked with would be very upset if this current incident elevated the Athletic Board’s authority beyond that of being a sounding board.

Congratulations on the fine job you and Gerald O’Dell have performed. I am particularly pleased with Northern’s academic growth in concert with its new athletic growth. My alumni friends are very committed to a “clean” athletic program in which we can be proud.

Terrence M. Jenkins

senior vice president

Washington National Insurance Company
