Interim coach Collins credits Rosborough

Robert Collins is his own man.

He has his own coaching philosophy and wants to run a basketball program that will bear his trademark.

That is why the 41-year-old interim coach is pursuing the NIU head coaching position that was left vacant when Jim Rosborough was fired March 8.

But he wants to clarify the remarks he made in Friday’s Northern Star about establishing a program that would not necessarily be an extension of Rosborough’s.

“The things that were said were the things that I feel,” Collins said. “But what was not included was the fact that I care a lot about Jim Rosborough. He’s done a lot for me. He’s given me an opportunity that was good for me at that time in my life. I learned a lot from him.

“But I want in no way for people to think that my program would be the same. A good coach has his own philosophy and he takes a little bit from here and there that he’s learned along the way. And I definitely have my own program that would shine a different light on some things that I would do.”

Some of the things Collins said he would like to stress are “discipline, fundamentals, consistency and development of a few more quality character traits.”

NIU Athletic Director Gerald O’Dell is expected to announce his decision Thursday.