Mellard appointed interim athletic board chairman

By Kari Brackett

James Mellard, an English professor, was named interim chairman of the university’s athletic board Monday by NIU President John LaTourette.

This decision comes on the same day it was announced Mellard would be on the screening committee for a new men’s head basketball coach.

The athletic board position opened after Curtis Norton resigned in protest to the decision by Athletic Director Gerald O’Dell not to renew the contract of men’s basketball coach Jim Rosborough.

“I talked to President LaTourette late last week—Friday as a matter of fact,” Mellard said Monday. “He and I agreed on Friday that I will (chair) through whatever meetings through the summer.”

LaTourette said Mellard will work with the athletic board and with O’Dell until a permanent choice is made in September. Although Mellard has not served on the board, he has had contact with it in the past. During the 1987 spring semester, Mellard was acting athletic director.

“He was the person most knowledgeable,” LaTourette said. “He served as interim athletic director. He was very ideal for this assignment.”

Mellard said he does not have any intentions of taking on the permanent position, because “it takes a lot of time and energy, and I do not have that time.”

On the issue regarding O’Dell’s decision about Rosborough, Mellard said he could see both sides.

“I don’t go into this with any special ax to grind,” Mellard said. “There is a case to be made for Rosborough, and there is a case to be made showing the program wasn’t coming out of its doldrums.”

Mellard said he knows Wednesday’s board meeting will involve Rosborough’s dismissal, and “tough issues will be discussed.

“It’s clear we’ve reached a troubled time,” Mellard said. “I don’t expect it to be an easy meeting for any of us.”

Still, he hopes to be able to help the board make its transition.

“My appointment was not contingent on pursuing a party line. My appointment was to help continue things on.”