Summer job fair to help students find employment

By Lori Wilkosz

Students will have the chance to find a summer job at the summer employment fair Thursday sponsored by the Career Planning and Placement Center.

The job fair will include about 60 companies offering various summer positions for interested students. Some of the positions available include sales, assistant managers, counselors, nursing assistants and lifeguards.

The employment fair will take place in the Duke Ellington Ballroom, Holmes Student Center, from 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday.

There are a wide variety of positions being offered at the employment fair, said Monique Zeno, Job Location and Development coordinator.

All of the jobs are paid positions, Zeno said. The pay will range between $4 and $8 per hour.

Zeno said a painting job which is an entrepreneur position might pay as much as $5,000 for the summer.

Some of the jobs can be used as credit toward classes if the student’s major department approves of it, she said. A few summer internships will be offered.

The summer employment fair is a good idea for freshmen and sophomores to take advantage of in order to gain job experience and earn money over the summer, she said.

“Some of the jobs may lead to full-time employment after graduation,” she said.

esumes are not required nor is business dress, Zeno said. Dress for the employment fair is informal but students should “look neat,” she added.

Students will complete applications for companies in which they are interested in working for, she said.

Some of the companies will interview students at the employment fair on Thursday and others will contact them at a later date.

This is the 20th annual summer employment fair. It was previously called Camp Day and was sponsored by the College of Continuing Education for the past seven years, Zeno said. This year,it is sponsored by the Job Location and Development Department of the Career Planning and Placement Center.