Voice of students

The SA Sente has a time-honored and long-standing tradition of ineffectiveness, short-sightedness, and stupidity that they seem determined to uphold. The recent decision not to endorse Jamie Pennington for 6th Ward alderman beams as a shining example of that revered tradition.

We, the student community of NIU, live in DeKalb, eat in DeKalb, and many of us sleep in DeKalb. Some of us have made our homes in DeKalb, along with our families. Even the part-time commuting student occasionally buys gas in DeKalb. Ergo, we all pay taxes in DeKalb. Revenue from students forms a significant portion of DeKalb’s tax base. This gives us the right and the responsibility to a voice in city government, a right that has decayed to a state of atrophy. The constituency of the 6th Ward is composed of, for the most part, students; yet, these student/voters have no current voice in the government that makes the laws they must comply with. Jamie Pennington, as the only candidate who resided in the 6th Ward before being appointed alderman, is the voice that the student community needs in DeKalb’s government. Partisanship is not an issue in this election.

The SA Senate had a golden opportunity to say, “Yes, we are for the students.” As usual, they let it sift through their useless fingers. Their tradition remains intact.

Pat Koga

