Rally missed point

I feel moved to make a few comments about the anti-racism rally of Friday, Dec. 2. As Franklin Roosevelt once said, the speakers who were present “are a credit to their race; the human race.” They presented intelligent, articulate criticisms of white majority rule here at Northern. Each of them may rest assured that as individuals, they possess greater intelligence and insight than all of the racist frat boys combined.

The point they missed however, is that the greek system itself represents institutionalized racism, sexism and social elitism. Many might say, “We’re not racist!” I’m sorry, but if you come from an all-white high school, or an all white “social organization,” you are steeped in ignorance. Ignorance is the root of racism. The Star is guilty of feeding this ignorance; as evidence their ridiculous editorial page of pathetic drivel about how great it is to be a “little sister.” Try being a thinking individual.

When, at the end of the rally, we all joined hands and began to sing “We Shall Overcome,” my years of education didn’t seem of much value—I did not know the words. Well, I know the words now, and I salute the men and women who taught them to me.

Bill Gannon
