Adviser sought by SA

By Tammy Sholer

Students interested in improving the quality of NIU academics can apply for the position of Student Association Academic Affairs Adviser, as the previous adviser resigned at the end of last semester.

SA President Paula Radtke said a lack of funds kept Darnell Williams, who formally held the position, from returning to NIU this semester.

The SA Senate does not have to approve Williams’ resignation because he is not currently enrolled at NIU. Only enrolled students can hold positions in the SA.

“I’m sorry Williams won’t come back. He was a great spokesman,” Radtke said.

Qualifications for the position include a knowledge of NIU’s committee structure and a knowledge of student rights within the academic environment, Radtke said.

Dedication to student issues, as well as interest in student issues not related to academics, also are criteria Radtke said she will look at when selecting a new adviser. “SA experience helps but by no means is a requirement,” she said.

Applicants should be willing to do research toward developing a cultural pluralism class for which students could earn NIU credit, she said.

Larger universities have similar classes pertaining to cultural diversification and NIU should implement one to help make changes concerning racism on campus, Radtke said.

The SA Constitution states that the academic affairs adviser must promote and coordinate efforts to improve quality of academics, head the Academic Affairs Committee and see that committee functions are performed, she said.

The Academic Affairs Committee has to monitor all actions concerning academics, including the actions of the Board of Regents, which is NIU’s governing body, and the Illinois General Assembly.

Other duties the committee must perform include keeping students informed of changes in academic policy and improving academic development, Radtke said.

Applications are available at the SA office on the second floor of the Holmes Student Center.

Radtke said Feb. 1 is the deadline for submitting applications, and she will choose a candidate for approval by the SA Senate before Feb. 9.

Williams could not be reached for comment Tuesday.