Unity staff appoints leader

By Michelle D. Isaacson

Planning for next year’s Unity in Diversity Week has started with the development of an additional student-run committee and the appointment of a co-chairman for the week’s coordinating committee.

Peggy Sullivan, dean of the College of Professional Studies, has been chosen as co-chairman of the Unity in Diversity Week Coordinating Committee.

Sullivan said she has participated in previous year’s activities, including the 1988 Unity in Diversity Week, in which she coordinated the storytelling programs that were held each day of the week.

“It’s really important to have a week in which many people participate and to bring people with varied backgrounds together for programs,” Sullivan said.

Tracy Stitzel, president of the Campus Activities Board, said a new CAB committee will be formed for Unity in Diversity Week 1989. “I was on Jon Dalton’s (vice president for student affairs) committee last year, and because the week coincides with CAB’s goals we (the committee) decided we’d let CAB handle the programming issues,” she said.

The new student committee will research programming options and decide what is needed for the week. Stitzel said planning events for the week will begin next semester.

A student will be chosen as co-chairman of the committee. Stitzel said any fee-paying student is eligible for the position. Applicants will be judged on ability to manage time and personnel, ability to learn by working and background knowledge. “A person’s excitement about the position is really important,” she said.

Laura Frankiewicz, coordinator of special and clinical education and a member of the coordinating committee, said the two committees will be working together. However, the original committee will be attempting to promote unity and diversity throughout the year and CAB will focus particularly on the one week.

The original committee will work on activities in academic departments, community involvement, and staff involvement.