Attitude appalling

I was appalled by the comments made by Marilyn Skinner concerning the demolition of Wirtz House. What do they teach in the Women’s Studies program?

She says that “women need their own place that has memories and traditions from the past,” and they need a “warm and cozy atmosphere.” How are women supposed to succeed in this world and better the position of women in general if other women hold attitudes such as this? Ms. Skinner seems to be endorsing the belief that women belong in the kitchen.

Women have adjusted to this attitude in some men, and women can deal with it. But to have this attitude coming from other women is unbelievable. Many women can survive very well without a “warm and cozy atmosphere” and are comfortable in a variety of surroundings.

I do agree that the Wirtz House is usable office space and maybe it should not be demolished. But Ms. Skinner’s reasons for saving the house are ludicrous.

Lisa Ripley

Graduate Student
