Speaker’s idea a merits action
November 15, 1988
Student Association Senate Speaker Joe Annunzio’s idea to remove some of the “dead weight” from the senate might have been a bit unorthodox, but it was far from “frivolous.”
On the contrary, the issue is worthy of serious consideration.
It is the senators who are belittling the SA’s credibility, not SCOPA’s questionable behavior nor the coverage by The Northern Star. No one is responsible for the behavior of the senate but the senators.
It’s a shame when the SA speaker has to chase after senators to remind them of the commitment they made to students.
Unfortunately, many senators are not attending to those commitments. Some do not regularly attend committee meetings, educate themselves on issues to be brought to the senate floor or stop by the SA office to check their mailboxes daily.
Constituents should be aware of the action or rather the lack of action by the senators they elected to represent them.
Students should take time on a Sunday evening and stop to see their representatives in action—whether it be sleeping, leaving or on the rare occasion participating in constructive senate business. Also, a call or a letter to voice concern would be effective.
Senators who find they cannot meet the commitments they made when they took office, should simply quit.
When senators are slacking off on their responsibilities to the senate and to constituents, it is something that should be amended immediately, by doing whatever it takes to remedy the situation.
Annunzio’s motion might not have been the most effective method to confront the problem. But you can’t blame a guy for trying.